Fee / Cost Involved

The awards are an unparalleled opportunity to gain recognition and elevate your brand.

Nomination plan unlocks a world of possibilities. Compete on country, regional, and global stages, Participate in Multiple awards, Listing on Awards websites, Social Media posts, Dedicated Account manager support, Voting assistance and lot more

Award Nomination or Registration Fee

Choose the package that best suits your needs.








Price for Nomination




USD 299


USD 670


USD 1,220

USD 1,490

USD 1,280


USD 1,950

Total Award Participation in year 2025

Example : If you opt for Titanium plan, You can nominate into 3 different award programs out of 17 award programs

1 Award 1 Award 1 Award 2 Award 2 Awards 3 Awards
Number of categories (in each award)

Example : if you opt for Titanium plan, You can nominate in 3 different award programs and you can nominate 3 categories in each award program

1 Categories
(one award)
1 Categories
(one award)
2 Categories
(one award)
2 Categories
(one award)
3 Categories
(per award)
3 Categories
(per award)
Total Nomination 1 Nomination
( 1 award)
1 Nomination
( 1 award)
1 Nomination
( 1 award)
2 Nomination
( 2 award)
2 Nominations
(any 2 awards)
3 Nominations
(any 3 awards)
Competition Level City City,Country City,Country City,Country City,Country,Regional City,Country,Regional,World
Featured in Nominees Section
Rights to use award logo and name after voting
Complimentary Digital Winner Package Complimentary for 1 Nomination Winning
Link to your Website & Social Media
Recommendation for Voting on our Website